Apr 4, 2008

Do You Have a Boring Life?

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut?

We complain of how sometimes our lives seem so methodical. I get up, open the computer and work my ass off until God knows what time.

Do I complain? Yes.
Do I think that my life is all about routines? Yes.

It doesn’t matter what you are and where you are – at one point in your life, you’d probably tugged at your hair out of sheer frustration. It’s a trait that all of us humans share. The curious thing about it though is that we love the routines as much as we hate it.

Think about it. Why do I say so? When you’re stuck in a routine, you are also stuck in what’s familiar to you. You envelop yourself in a sensation of false safety. You complain that your life today is the same as yesterdays. You complain that there are no surprises and no rooms for impulse. At the end of the day, however, you breathe a sigh of relief. Part of that soul that makes you human is eternally content that you have a boring life.

I say, however, that this is a false sense of safety. Although, we would like to believe that everything is alright in our world and that as long as things stay the way we are, we are safe – this is bullshit. You cannot control anything in your life, just as I cannot control anything in mine. At the end of the day, some screw ups can happen. A drunk can suddenly run across the street and you’d kill him silly while driving home from work. Always there is that tiny chance that life will take you by surprise.

If you are to choose whether to live a life of pure routine or not, what would you choose?

Ironically, you have the right to choose a boring life just as much as you have the right to choose to live a life bordering on danger. Curiously, you have the choice but God interferes with that choice. You may think that’s tragic. It all depends on how you really perceive God and his machinations in your life. Reality, however, proves that our life is not exactly how we want it to be. Nothing stays the same and nothing changes. It is a constant evolution. And it is in that constancy of change that nothing really changes.

What differs is our perception of tragedy. It is how we regard the changes that differentiate us from one another. If you chose to regard yourself as a victim of all this encompassing routines and changes, sooner or later, that dark side of your soul will eat you up. If you choose to regard your life as a great adventure, everything will be exactly the way you regard it. The inevitable will be a part of that adventure.

So, how do you perceive your life? Is it a routine or is it an adventure?

1 Gorgeous People Said --:

SheR. said...

I used to have a boring life. Going to work 830 to 530. Get on the train with thousands of commuters. From mondays to fridays. Sat.. time for bf. Then sun.. family time. For 3 whole years.
I gave it all up. I don't need money when I feel so empty inside. So I left for London where my dreams began. Now I'm living very simple life. Not much things or luxuries but I'm happy! And I love to spread this virus of mine! :D Smile!!!