Reading through various articles, however, it always struck me that many states in the United States allow a sexual predator to get out of prison after two or three years of imprisonment.
So, the pattern goes like this, a pedophile rapes a child and he lands in jail. He gets out after three years, rapes another child and then lands in jail again. It doesn't end. These people are not normal. They will continue to rape and abuse children. These crimes are the vilest of all crimes. They're unforgivable. I don't think that any state or country should even allow anyone to get out of prison once he is convicted of raping a child! What bothers me, however, is that the laws are weak.
Philippine laws, however, are another matter when it comes to these kinds of crimes. A conviction will land any effing pedophile in prison and that would be for 20 to 40 years. Thank God for small blessings. Of course, there are still a lot that you can say about the implementation of these laws here.

Oprah says it is critical that society acknowledges the affects of sexual abuse by child molesters—regardless of gender. "Molestation is not only just about the sex—it's not a rite of passage for young females or young males—it is about betrayal and shame and mistrust," she says.
I couldn't agree more.
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