if you've ever crawled under the bed at 3 a.m. just to look for a milk bottle or a pacifier like your next breath depends on it.
if you call a pacifier, a “dum-dum” or something equally silly. Right, sis?
if you have memorized all the children songs karaoke style!
when you start to shop for diaper bags the same way you shop for awesome purses.
when baby wipes are more valuable than money at any given time of day in any given location.
when you find yourself mumbling your child’s evening prayer instead of your own before you go to sleep
when your 2.3 year old hands you the clothes she wants you to wear.
when you know the store's scheduled date of discount sale on children clothing
When you find yourself looking for Barney and Dora the Explorer DVDs and you don’t find Barney particularly annoying which is ironic considering how much you wanted to bloody chop Barney's head off before
When you find yourself buying truckload of crackers and Kellogg’s cereals which your child basically ends up throwing or playing with
When your bag basically contains baby wipes, diapers, milk bottles, tissue, milk refills, baby cologne, baby powder, bibs and rattles!
When you judge the quality of a restaurant by whether or not they have a place where you can change your toddler if he or she does #2 and -- oh, yeah -- by how much mess your child can make on the floor.
When you don’t notice the stains or wet patch on your clothes even in public!
When you constantly crave for “me time”
When you start calling your husband “papa or daddy”
When you start blogging about every little thing that your child does -- which obviously is what I am doing.
When you are more concerned of your child’s own clothes than your own
When you find yourself giving up your favorite chocolate cake to your child and you find yourself waiting for the crumbs to fall off because those are what you can eat!
When you are comfortable with baby poop and pee
When the word “mama” makes you feel so damn happy
When you are constantly irritated that your husband does not seem to know half of what you know when you feel like what you know comes naturally!
When you check out other baby’s diapers, clips, dresses, shoes and yes, when you check the condition of other children’s teeth!
When you realized that a little person means the life to you.
Well, so, you can probably add some more?
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