She started by asking me about Paige's age. The girl was taller and fatter than my daughter. I said, "She's two." Well, I thought the child was older. The grandmother, the old bat, gleefully (in my head she was gleeful) told me that her granddaughter is barely two years old. Ok. I know she was thinking, "But my granddaughter is taller, fatter and bigger than your daughter." I know she was thinking of that! The old bat. The little girl though is going to turn two next month. So, basically, my daughter is only about 4 months older. Apparently, in the toddler world, every month and inch counts.

Baby --
What is your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
You know, those stupid questions that parents feel like their children should know to impress people. As if that's impressive -- well, a little, but not totally!
Anyway, I've been though the same thing before with a mom and her son. That one tried to show off her son by asking him to sing Bahay Kubo. I can't blame her. She's a mom and she's supposed to be showing off her son's skills. But I wanted to bash my head with a stone when the little boy proceeded to painfully sing Bahay Kubo after intense prodding from his mother. I did not bash my head with anything. I pasted a smile and restrained myself from showing off my daughter's skills and telling the woman, "This is how you do it!"
So, this evening, I also restrained myself from asking Paige to sing the alphabet, count 1-1o, pray Hail Mary and belt out the Moon River and end the show with, "Hey, she can do three of those things even before she turned two, you old bat!"
Anyway, here's a video of us going home. It's a really stupid video that is absolutely pointless. It's dark and it's shaky. It ended abruptly because Paige was screaming and throwing a tantrum. I had to take her from Erbe. So, don't bother to watch. I just want to post this though. It's my blog after all.
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