When you are constantly worried about objects being thrown out of the window or if you automatically assume that a missing object has been thrown out the window.
When you find yourself telling your child the Cool Fever Patch has magic powers just so she’d allow you to place it on her forehead
When you find yourself worrying about outlets, cords, open windows, open doors and possibly every thing that can harm your spirited toddler!
When you raise an eyebrow whenever a friend says, “I can’t wait for my baby to walk!”
When you’re DVD player is perpetually set on Barney.
When you curse at restaurants for not having high chairs and you think that the manager is stupid because of that
When you barely flinch after spending P500 to P2000 on toys
When you let your toddler throw herself on the dirty floor in public just because YOU. DON’T. WANT. TO. GIVE. IN.
When you find yourself downloading animated films one after another
When you find yourself digging for boogers that your child can’t seem to get
When the words, “No, papa does not have boobies.” or “No, papa does not have vagina.” comes out of your mouth
When you find yourself dancing and singing while brushing your teeth just to get your child to brush her teeth
When you find yourself telling your toddler that her doll will get a cold if it takes a bath while she insists that she needs to give her a bath because her doll’s vagina smells
2 Gorgeous People Said --:
hi there! I envy you! someday i want to experience everything that you said in this post. i dream of becoming a young mom :)cheers!
truly all these things parents will experience when you have a toddler in the house.. i am a grandma to a toddler and i have watched happily how our toddler (whenever she comes over for a brief visit with us); intimidates new relatives, makes noise with everything she holds including drawing lines on the ipad, constantly saying No! and how she would resist to the death leaving her bathtub.. oh well.. i am so loving being a grandma :-) thanks for sharing..
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