Social networking sites. Sometimes -- well, in truth, most of the time -- they suck. Take Friendster, for instance, I went on an invisible mode to check up on people without them knowing that I was -- well, looking.
I was curious about somebody's account, but I figured, it's not worth reading something that would just upset me, so I did not bother to read any further.
And then, there's my bestfriend's exes accounts -- two exes have posted shout outs about her. It could have been freaky if it was not amusing.
And then there goes my exes. Well, I kinda check up on just one account -- the account of the ex that I don't regret. There's so much you can say about past stupidities or visiting those stupidities.
There are accounts that upset me though -- one in particular. Well, the person used to be a really good friend. It's ironic, pathetic even, that now I'm merely getting updates from FS.
After going through all those profiles, I was kind of depressed.
And then someone told me that I shouldn't let these social network sites, Friendster in particular, get to me.
He said, "You can't see anything bad in Friendster."
And it struck me that it's true! As much as people want to keep in touch through FS or Facebook or MySpace or Multiply --- we are all just posting that "happy" aspects of our lives -- the vacations we take, the new baby, the wedding, the new job, the promotions.
In a way, we see only half of the mirror.
For some, I'd even argue that what we see are fake pictures of what they want us to believe.
Ok. I know I'm being melodramatic
But c'mon! Admit it, I'm right.
On a different note:
I just finished the Gossip Girl Season I DVD. It took me 15 hours to finish the whole thing. I loved every minute of it!
2 Gorgeous People Said --:
Yes,Its true its just for socializing FS,MYSPACE,FACEBOOK etc for me its a club of people need diversion.Some are true and some are fake...be careful whom you trust,when you give away your true identity coz u'll never know who u talk with.I love FS coz there's a lot of Filipina.And i loved to participate in any discussions too,but i don't get too close at them as possible because sometimes even you avoid it! they can still affect us, even only words by words.So brace yourself and wear always a bullet proof. Just my experienced!
Hi Oregamo
I forgot to type in my blogs hehhee
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