Baby P was subjected to daily torture by the mother, TC, step father SB and lodger Jason Barker/Owen.The extent of Baby Peter's injuries as revealed by post-mortem exam are as follows:Daily Squib reports --
Even though the child's back and ribs were broken, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat refused to examine the baby at a clinic at St Ann's Hospital because she thought the baby was "too cranky and distressed" -- the baby then endured more torture afterwards finally succumbing to a violent blow to the head and dying.
He died in a flea infested home littered with dead animals – food for a pet snake – with human excrement smeared on the walls. He had been attacked by a Rottweiler and left to lie in his own urine and faeces.
His stepfather sliced off his fingertips with a knife and wrenched off his nails with pliers, punched him in the face, pressed down on his windpipe, bit him, grabbed him by the throat, threw him into his cot and rammed a bottle into his mouth.
• Eight broken ribs and a broken back, with another area of bleeding around the spine at neck level.
• Numerous bruises, cuts and abrasions, including a deep tear to his left ear lobe, which had been pulled away from his head.
• Severe lacerations to the top of his head, including a large gouge which could have been caused by a dog bite.
• Blackened finger- and toenails, with several nails missing; the middle finger of his right hand was without a nail and its tip was also missing, as if it had been sliced off.
• A tear to his fraenulum, the strip of skin between the middle of the upper lip and the gum, which had partially healed.
• One of his front teeth had also been knocked out and was found in his colon. He had swallowed it.
No one was convicted of murder and all three accuse have not shown any remorse. The assholes apparently took a video of the beatings and all three smiled when the extent of the injuries were discussed in court. The evil mother, who showed no remorse for her actions, boasted from prison that she would be "out before Christmas for a spot of shopping" and laughed in court when details of the horrible injuries inflicted on Baby P were read out.
She also gave birth to another child in prison wherein the Haringey Social Services wanted to allow her to keep the child, thankfully the Police intervened and had the child taken into care.
The vile mother wrote on her Friends Reunited profile:"I'm still in london nothing has change there but i left home a few years back but am now married with 3 kids and one on the way.
I have not changed much still mad if im in the right mood would love to here from some old friends tho as i miss the good old days. would like to know what my old mates are up to and see how are lifes have changed. time to updated no longer with my ex husband just waiting for him to sign paper work have now met some one lovely have 4 kids 3 girls 1 boy. "
The social workers assigned to him have not been sacked for their sheer stupidity and incompetence. The Sun is running a petition that these incompetent fools be sacked. Please sign the PETITION wherever you are. Let's get Justice for Peter.
By the way, if you are from UK, they are doing a Justice Marches for Peter. There are actually two marches. One in December 3 and another in December 13.
Last night I was thinking -- People say that God has a purpose for everything and that everything happens for a reason, then what was God's purpose for this and what is the reason for this?
Was Peter the sacrificial lamb?
If there are angels who protect the innocent, then where was his angel?
Related Stories:
Tracey Connelley, Baby P’s Evil Mom, Shows No Remorse
Baby P’ Stepfather – Evil Sadistic Monster
Baby P’s Murderers – Why Are They Being Protected?
Should I Delete Their Names and Pictures?
Baby P’s Mother Gets 5 Years? WTF?
"Review My Post and Get Paid! Seriously!"
98 Gorgeous People Said --:
i dont no wat 2 say...words cant descrive wat i feel towards them evil people. They took that poor boys life and deserve the same. There would be millions of people willing to give him a happy life and he only knew that...just wish more could have been done..truly saddening..ur with the angels now...rip baby p...x
Los ojos de la bestia: necesitaba saber como se llamaba la mala bestia que torturó a su propio hijo, su propia sangre. ¿Tanto vale para esa mala pécora un polvo? Un hijo, que es lo mejor y más valioso que puedes tener. Ojalá que su cara se filtre en la carcel y que no tenga un solo segundo de paz nunca más en su puta vida. Y cuando se muera, creo que ni en el infierno la querrán. Que se pudra en vida, que tenga cáncer y que se la coman los gusanos en carne vida, igual que tenÃa su hijo su carita (que no me puedo quitar de enfrente. Gracias y perdón que mi inglés sea malo para poder expresar lo que tenÃa dentro.
Well done 4 putting pictures up of this monster, all pictures of her on facebook groups have been closed down because she cannot b named. Shitty Englands laws always protect the criminals
will be unable to attend marches due to other commitments but will be there in spirit If I could have given my life for his I would rest in peace little peter.
They should all be hung along with the social worker's for what they did to little peter,may he rest in eternal peace poor little lamb.xxx.
Good on you for putting up details of the marches. I can't attend since I live in Australia but it's a relief to know people are actually going to be doing something about this. I can't get over this story either. I am planning to send some emails and letters to Haringey council. Will be awaiting the results of the sentencing and I really hope that they don't just get 14 years. Charmaine
Some ones put photo's of the two men on bebo,just google Tracy Connelly murderer and you will see the evil barstard's,may they rot in hell.
Since I posted these pictures, people have been visiting from all over the world second by second. I realized that the whole world has been affected by this story as well. It is devastating. It was eight months of pure torture for this little boy. I can't stop crying.
I think these people are sick and they should get more than 14 years, fair enough they dont know who killed poor Peter but they all helped in my eyes. I think this is descusting and a lot more could have been done to prevent it!!!! One good thing is he is in no more pain and is sleeping with the angels now. I hope they all rot in hell and the prison should do nothing to protect any of these sick minded bastards!!!!
RIP Baby Boy Sleep With The Angels. xxxx
You ask where Peter's angels were? I believe that's why his life was so short, because he was born into a family of such evil, so the best way to truly protect him from harm was to take him altogether. They can't hurt you now Peter, rest in Peace little darling.
i have cried so much t hurts i wish i cud of saved him in ome way as do other ppl too hang the evil vile monsters who hurt that little boy
r.i.p darling angels will keep u safe and give u a better life than u ever had when i look at the stars i will think of u up there shining like the star u r u have r support we will punish the ppl u called mummy and daddy we will get justice 4 u
Hope that those evil c.... that were supposed to protect and love little Peter will be hunted by his face nights and days until they die. They are all cowards and have no dignity at all to take any responsibility for his death. Excuses after excuses. They think they are so powerful because of their status but in fact they're nothing. They only live through their stupid ego.
Hope one day we can live in a better and more caring world. How many more little souls will have to suffer for those stupid establishments to understand.
RIP little boy with all our love.
I think this could be used as an arguemnet for why capital punishment isn't always a bad thing. I cannot for the life of me understand how any adult could be so evil to a child, more so their own child. Truly heartbreaking but whats worse is that we keep hearing these stories, a 4 year old killed by her mother and stepfather, two toddlers stabbed to death by their mother, this beautiful little boy...and the list goes on. Some people really are sick.
And on another note I hope to God the doctor who wouldn't examine Peter gets some form of punishment or discipline. Utterly disgraceful example of bad practice and carelessness.
RIP little fella
well done for for the names and pictures of this fucking animals.english law stinks,for protecting their names.kill the fuckers slow.
RIP little fella
Expresseing disgust & horror through the web is one thing, but if poss. PLEASE try to follow-up with an email, or better still a 'snail mail', to Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Department Of Children, Schools & Families. To determine best action to take to mitigate the risk of this scale of abuse and social service ineptitude affecting other kids we desperately need the full and frank facts (horrific tho' they will be). This means a full public enquiry. Policticians have STILL not committed to this. They are hoping that a quick and cheap two week study will suffice. Do not be fobbed off! Do not forget Baby Peter!
Some degree of blame must lie with the disgarce of a human being who attempts to pass as a prfessionakl doctor - Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat. This woman has claimed she saw baby Peter mobile, with his feet moving. Tis is in the faceof specialist evidence tht his back and ribs were already broken - apparently a few days before he died. The NHS still employ her! She is still being paid! She does not have the decency to resign. God forgive her - most will find it hard to. Petition the GMC! Write to Alan Johnson (the minister) if you care about this. Politicians will do nothing unless they know that th weight of publuic disgust will not go away. They are hoping people will forget. If not ... why has it taken so long for this to come to light? Why no action so far? Why is this doctor & these social services people still working? What standards are these these public 'servants' supposed to have met? What criteria define their gross incompetency?
My boy was born on 25th Februar 2006. He is only 4 days older than Baby P. Maybe also beacuse of that I`m extremly upset and wish all involved are properly punished. Let them go from prison and let the mob take justice on them. I know I would. Baby P when I`m kissing my little boy I`m always thinking on you and I know angels are taking good care for you, you sweet sweet innocent boy.
I hope their lives are made a misery prison, they should be made to suffer everyday the same kind of abuse that they put that poor innocent little baby through. It is just as sad to think that the poor little boy could have been saved if the social services had did their. This must never be allowed to happen again!
RIP Baby P you are in a better place now.
thank god someone has posted a pictute of these monsters all i can say is do to them what they have done to that poor little boy.
i think these evil cant say the word should get life.. not a pety sentence as other evil crimanals do . they shoud rot in prison and made to suffer how the made poor little peter do .i am digusted in haringay social services for letting this poor little boy suffer how he dad . rot in hell tracey connolley and the 2 other men . you dont seservr to be on this planet . you are scum and you should be made to suffer like you made peter do .
I guess this has made a big International awareness to child abuse, the mistakes made by social services and the reality of some people's nature in this world. It is very saddening and moving to know that such things exsist in this world. In the future, the awareness that this stroy has created will help to end child abuse, cruelty towards children, animals and everything else in exsistence. Let there be love :)
I just cant believe what that little boy went through why should they not be named they were there to protect and care for him an they did the opposite to that so why should they be protcted im so glad these pictures have been shown why shouldnt they.
cant put into words how i feel,cant stop thinking of this poor little angel,the ppl who are responsible dont deserve 2 carry on living,and the social workers well they shud be sacked from eva working will kids again...
rest in peace now angel you will never b forgotten xxx
I cant beleive wot they did to that poor lil boy! I agree I think the parents shud get life not 25years! they shud get LIFE! how cud they do that to a poor innocent lil boy! the social workers shud get sacked not a warnin 4 god sake! they saw all those injuries and didnt do nefin it just makes me feel sick! rest in peace lil man i hope ur alot beta where u r now!
I cannot believe how anyone can do this to an innocent child, this story has made me feel sick inside. its time we all stuck together as a community and got justice and to change things so this never happens again! these social workers were supposed to be there to protect him but instead they let him die. i hope the people who done this to him rot in hell, ther safer in prison than they are out here now. i will defietley be going to the march its time for us to al stand up.
Rest in peace gorgeous, so sorry this happend to you, rest in peace they cant hurt you anymore angel..xxxxxx
If the mum and the two blokes are accused of "murder and ALLOWING or CAUSING the death of a child under 16." shouldn't the social workers involved face the same charges? Surely they ALLOWED this to happen.
Whilst I concur that this is a crime of the most heinous of nature where a poor defenceless was baby subjected to the most gruesome of injuries in his short and uneventful life, we must remember that that people, in the UK at least are presumed innocent until proved otherwise.
Thankfully we live in a society without kangaroo courts and vigilantly lynch mobs of yesteryear. As much as it may unset people when I say this, but thankfully we are not ourselves the judge, jury and executioner and these people, the accused should be permitted a fair trial. Lest we return to the dark ages where village folk administered the retribution regardless of guilt, or indeed more recently to an era when police fabricated evidence to get a result.
Now before I myself am subjected to a barrage of abuse, my comments are in no way condemn their alleged deeds, neither does it mean to absolve or defend the perceived or apparent systemic failure of the any of the agencies involved. What my comments are intended to do is highlight but more importantly defend the accused rights to a Fair trial.
So I implore you to put your emotions aside for a moment and consider that even at this point we don't yet have all the facts surrounding the case. Only now are the full details of the social workers workload surfacing, the in fighting and disagreements between agencies supposed to be working together. So before we grab our pitch forks and sharpen our stakes for the witch hunts lets wait for all the facts to be collected, before we make any decisions of guilt.
Lets not forget that apportioning blame does nothing to rectify the problem. All it does is identify a scapegoat..... with this logic once the offending person / people is removed the problem goes away right? Well the fact that the plight of Baby P actually happened shows how little progress has been made since the Victoria Climbie case.... and are we happy then that a new Victoria Climbie is allowed to happen every few years....... how many Baby P does it take before things change...
I don't know about you I'd be prepared to forgo finding anyone to blame on this occasion if it meant that this never happened to another child and lessons were actually learnt and things put in place to prevent it from happening again.
Finally rather than putting our effort to vitriolic rhetoric aimed at the accused wouldn't it be best directed at how we can make sure that this can't happen again? Could we not find a way to look out for each other, our neighbours, our community and fellow brothers and sisters and offer a hand...
Perhaps I am the deluded one.
piebuko ->you asked about God and how he could allow this to happen.
this is a very good analysis from a religious viewpoint at this blog:
"And where was God throughout all this?
He was right at Peter’s side, feeling every blow, every bruise, every broken bone. And God wept Peter’s tears, and lived every minute of Peter’s loneliness, and lay at his side in the depths of despair. God knows what it is like to lose a son, and the son knows what it is like to be forsaken by a father. The cup of suffering cannot always pass. The cross is the open wound of Christianity which forever asks ‘why?’. God’s silence, the hiding of his face, the eclipse of God, the dark night of the soul, the death of God, hell: these are metaphors for God-forsakenness; they are attempts to describe the abyss, the sinking into nothingness, the emptiness, the hopelessness.
But he died that we might live. "
i really cant believe this every time i think of baby p i end up in tears them evil bastards need to torcherd, i have a 13 month yr old girl she has blond curly hair and blue eyes she looks like a female version of the sweet boy. RIP sweet gorgeous boy your pain has finally ended xxx
Dear All,
following the tragic and shocking circumstances which resulted in the death of Baby P, I was moved to do something to help to make the government realise how unacceptable this is to the rest of society. The systematic failures which lead to his avoidable death should not be tolerated in a service which is meant to protect the most vulnerable and helpless of our society. I also think that written warnings, where negligence and inaction result in the death of a child, do not suffice.
In this spirit, I have started 3 petitions, online, on the number 10 Downing Streets website (Number10.gov.uk). It would be much appreciated if you would read them to see if you would like to sign any of them. Should you wish to sign the petitions, which can be presented to the government if we get enough signatures, you can do so by completing the very brief form provided by cutting and pasting the links shown below. Although I have included brief descriptions of the petitions here with the links, more detailed information can be found by clicking on the number 10 website link provided.
Memory of Baby P Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/memoryofbabyp/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Create an independent department for whistle-blowers to alert of failings in any child protection issue or service, where a child is believed to be at risk. This department would then be required to initiate an investigation and oversee the handling/management of the service in question.
Save Kids Lives Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/savekidslives/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Introduce legislation making professionals, responsible for the protection of children, liable to criminal prosecution when their inactions or negligence have directly contributed to the death of a minor.
Guardian Eye Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/guardianeye/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Introduce legislation to enable professionals, in child protection services, to carry out surveillance on families where there has been, or if there is evidence of a significant risk of, abuse to a child/children.
If you agree with the content of any of the petitions, then please, please, please sign them. Forward the links and pass them on to anyone you may know that may want to help to make a difference. These are the ways we can have a voice and if we all shout loudly enough, who knows, maybe they will have to listen. Charade services may have to be looked at and hopefully children's lives can be saved. It may be too late for Baby P, but there are other children out there who are in need of assistance and protection and it is my belief that they should be able to find this within the services which are funded to provide it.
Thank you for your time.
Dear All,
following the tragic and shocking circumstances which resulted in the death of Baby P, I was moved to do something to help to make the government realise how unacceptable this is to the rest of society. The systematic failures which lead to his avoidable death should not be tolerated in a service which is meant to protect the most vulnerable and helpless of our society. I also think that written warnings, where negligence and inaction result in the death of a child, do not suffice.
In this spirit, I have started 3 petitions, online, on the number 10 Downing Streets website (Number10.gov.uk). It would be much appreciated if you would read them to see if you would like to sign any of them. Should you wish to sign the petitions, which can be presented to the government if we get enough signatures, you can do so by completing the very brief form provided by cutting and pasting the links below. Although I have included brief descriptions of the petitions here with the links, more detailed information can be found by clicking on the number 10 website link provided.
Memory of Baby P Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/memoryofbabyp/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Create an independent department for whistle-blowers to alert of failings in any child protection issue or service, where a child is believed to be at risk. This department would then be required to initiate an investigation and oversee the handling/management of the service in question.
Save Kids Lives Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/savekidslives/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Introduce legislation making professionals, responsible for the protection of children, liable to criminal prosecution when their inactions or negligence have directly contributed to the death of a minor.
Guardian Eye Petition (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/guardianeye/)
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Introduce legislation to enable professionals, in child protection services, to carry out surveillance on families where there has been, or if there is evidence of a significant risk of, abuse to a child/children.
If you agree with the content of any of the petitions, then please, please, please sign them. Forward the links and pass them on to anyone you may know that may want to help to make a difference. These are the ways we can have a voice and if we all shout loudly enough, who knows, maybe they will have to listen. Charade services may have to be looked at and hopefully children's lives can be saved. It may be too late for Baby P, but there are other children out there who are in need of assistance and protection and it is my belief that they should be able to find this within the services which are funded to provide it.
Thank you for your time.
I just had a baby 8 days ago.... and the love I have for that child amazes me. Oh Baby Peter you were failed so horribly by the people who were the ONES that were supposed to love you and protect you. Although you're gone from us now, I hope you know that I love you and wish you were my little boy too.... Wait for me in heaven... I'll be there someday with open arms for you.
I am truly appalled, sick to the stomach and absolutely disgusted with how little baby peter was treated by these sick animals. what they deserve is the same torture as little peter endured.. i hope they get their punishment from other inmates. I also hope that EVERYONE who let him down get theres too.. Where was the rest of the family when he was getting abused and why did he have a paupers funeral... im ABSOLUTELY disgusted with everyone involved, not just the sick 'mother' and the animal 'partner' and the perverted peodo lodger.... i hope they get a long and tortureous existence... quick death is too good for them... let them burn in hell!!!
Gary Walker, Dinnington, Sheffield
rest in peace little peter xxx
rip my angel my thoughts are always with you
You cant blame God for this though. God gives man the choice to make his or her own decisions. God was weeping when he saw this but the mother obviously is absorbed with anger from Satan. If anyone is to blame it is satan not GOD. God willing this mother will suffer the natural consequences. Stuff like this happens because man fell thousands of years ago. Not because of God. Instead of questioning God.. Maybe pray for the thousands of other children this may be happening to that they may be saved before its to late. This poor child is now in a happier place rejoicing.. Heaven!
Tom Davies [Visitor]
21/11/08 @ 09:05
I hope these vile bastards that tortured and killed this little boy suffer so much inside the have to spend the rest of their lives in solitary. I WISH they could be fucking castrated/sterilised without anaesthetic and tortured before being left to die slowly in pain. I hope the bitch raghead that calls herself a doctor who didn't check the lad out because he was "crying & irritable" is never allowed to practice again - she should get a stretch inside herself. This case is an example of why we should have the death penalty.
sick bastards should be hung!! your safe now lil man rip no one can hurt you now.. wish some1 had saved you so sickening!
R.I.P little Peter...
I think the shorter the sentence the better. In jail they are protected.. out of jail they are at the mercy of whoever finds them.. and Im sure they will get what they deserve!!
Im completely heartbroken and in painful anguish...poor poor little angel. Baby Peter I hope in your new world you Rest well, smile lots laugh loud, eat well play lots but most importantly I hope u feel the deepest LOVE for eternity.
God bless your soul little 1.XXXXXXXX
Justice will be done...hopefully by the inmates...Torture the evil nasty CU@TS...May theu suffer for the rest of their lives.
I live in the UK and i agree... our law does stink!!! I have thought about baby peter every day since i heard aboout what happened a couple of weeks ago on the new's. The reason they can't name the animals that did it though is because they are going to be tried for abuse to the other children that Tracey had aswell, and if there names are mentioned then the sicko's can claim that it is an unfair trial as they will say that the jury are prosecuting them not only for the abuse that was caused to the other children, but also for the murder of baby peter.... and they can get the trial thrown out of court if this is the case, and those B######S will then only have been tried for the murder of gorgeous baby peter and not recieve punishment for the other acts of cruelty they inflicted!!! It sickens me to death!!! And not only that, but when it comes to there reliese date (which i hope never comes cuz i really do hope that another inmate will kill them) but if they somehow do make it out alive, they will be given a new identities! and the fact that it will cost us Briatain's millions of £'s to do this does not bother me, it's the fact that they get it in the first place that makes me so god damn mad! They don't deserve any human right's after what they did!!!!! Fucking Sick!!!!!
I'm sorry to spout words with such venom Baby Peter, but i am just so angry! Let me have half an hour in a room with them, and they will be unrecognisable.... ( and probably dead as well, if i could get away with it )
May you R.I.P Baby Peter, you are in my heart forever now xxxx
I am also organising something on the 13th December in memory of Baby P, it's a small fun day. From 3.30pm till 5.30pm and i will be reliesing sky lanterns at the end as a sign to show my love going up to heaven for him.
Love Claire xxx
I havent stopped crying since this, its really opened my eyes. Baby Peter you were such a special boy i will never forget you i hope you are with the angels now and laughing and playing with loads of kisses and cuddles.
Them fucks need to be tortured they dont deserve to be alive just give me 10 mins with them! The social workers are a joke 60 fuckin times they visited they knew what was happening to him anyone with half a brain would if they had visited that house they all need to be shot- none of them are humans so they dont deserve human rights!
Rest in peace baby peter xx
I have never been so affected like this - them sick 3 fucks need to be tortured untill they die they are not human they dont deserve human rights please give me just 10 mins with them! and them social workers are a joke 60 fuckin times they visited him, they knew what was happening to baby p anyone with half a brain would. I wish i could turn back time i would of saved you baby p and loved you until the end. Them social workers need to be shot and that doctor the lazy cow! what a stupid cow she to needs to b punished.
Rest in peace baby peter i will never forget you x
As a grandmother Icannot believe baby P grandmother did nothing, grandchildren are the most precious gift ever and all children deserve to be loved and cherished .Rest in peace dear baby P, You have millions of angels to love you now
I had a friend who was a prison officer at a high security prison... he once admitted that the inmates banged up for child related crimes were in solitary for their own good however they were treated like scum by the staff and when possible were 'accidently' left at the mercy of the other inmates - who loathe those who have harmed children justice will happen - if a little unconventional.
It a sad fact that, as someone else has already pointed out that these scum will be given new identities when they are released (remember the Jamie Bulger pair - millions these two have cost the country - fair enough they were kids - but old enough to know better).
Ironically the social services put this little lamb back with his mother because of funding issues - and gained what? A clear budget sheet for them but that just shifted costs over to the criminal justice system - costing no doubt a fair few hundred thousand on the court case. This is the real mockery of our systems - we need a central fund that councils/social services can apply to, to obtain the necessary funding to protect the innocent and for these departments not to always 'look at the bottom line' worried about 'over-spending'. Either that or we demand that the government give social services 'free rein' for the care and protection of those that are vernerable - children, mentally ill and the old. I'd rather pay a little extra on my council tax and know that it's going directly to helping the vernerable - but not the 'spongers'.
I have 3 boys - 8, 4 and 1 and I cannot get over how someone could treat a child in this way. When we decided to have a family I wasn't the gooey over babies type but I knew I would love mine own, I was shocked when my eldest was born by the rush of emotion I felt - I lived for him, I would die for him and I would kill to protect him.
We are all hyped at the horror of this story - BUT BEAR IN MIND - we have been unable to help this poor soul but as you read this - sadly there will be another child somewhere suffering abuse - we have now got to focus on the support of those children and let us not read of another horrorfying story in the months and years to come.
Baby P, my parents were the best, my brother was my protector and my darling son Patrick are all in heaven looking out for you - with them you will find love and peace. xx
I hope those bastards rot in prision for what they did to that little boy. How can anyone do that to someone so defenceless is beyond me. The social services should have taken him away long ago and the poor little chap would still be alive today. As far that doctor - she should go to prision for not picking up on his injuries - surely she was supposed to be a professional - i hope she's happy that she has blood on her hands and so do the social services. Also why didnt that 15 year old girl speak up and tell someone what was happening regardless of being scared - she must know that it was wrong to do what he was doing or was she totally thick!!! It makes my blood boil to think that people are like that out there - BRING BACK HANGING OR THE GAS CHAMBER is what i say!! RIP little fella no more hurting for you now!!
satan is waiting to welcome you into the fires of hell forever
This woman has had another baby since. Yes, she now has an 8 month old baby girl. She thinks she will be out of prison by christmas and wants her baby back. Authorities are wondering whether to put the baby up for adoption. WONDERING??! do not put her back into the hands of that woman, who has shown no remorse for her baby boy. Where are her other children, surely she cant be given these children back? And when they let her out steralize her please!
why would any 1 do this to there own baby all they are is sick pothetic people.who knows what she is going 2 do 2 the new baby girl only 8 months old.they should put her up 4 adoption at least the family will get her will look after her.she shouldnt ever be allowed out of prison the sick person. R.I.P LITTLE MAN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Baby Peter was not a sacrificial lamb. And we don't know what was the reason or the purpose of it if there was any at all. Why didn't God stop the nightmare? Well, let's not forget that God always uses people to fulfill His plans. The people in this case were social workers, doctors, police, those who were supposed to be used to save poor tot. They were sent to do their job and if they had done it properly little Peter would have survived. Now we all know how all services worked. So if someone doesn't do their job why blame God and His angels?
Unfortunately, this kinda shit goes on every second of the day. I am trying to get custody of a child. She is one, and her mother and step-father, locked her, along with her 2 y/o sis and 4 y/o bro in a room together, the doorknob turned backwords. These children were not fed. The girls had no diapers other than the ones they were wearing and both had rashes from diaper area to feet. The baby was in a playpen in that room, and her play pen was full of old dirty diapers. The 4 y/o had been beaten by his stepdad with a computer power cord from neck to feet. The step-dad has been sentenced to 5 years prison + 5 years probation and can't ever be alone with any children and signed his rights away. The mother, who saw the bruises and contributed to the other neglects was given 6 months probation, her kids are in foster care and she isnt allowed visitation with them until her probation is over.... however... the state requires she be given a chance to prove she can care for her kids and have them back. This world is so messed up, what are the childrens rights. Bless Baby P and please pray for little Alex, Julie, and Zoey.
Can i just let everyone know the reasons for these people not being named in the press. It's because the police are currently trying to gather enough evidence to charge them with further crimes (i believe this involves the treatment of baby P's sisters). The police know that if their named, some fancy pants lawyer is going to come along and start whinging that they won't get a fair hearing because of all the publicity. Therefore, let's keep them out the press for now, until they can get the bastard's for everything!
R.I.P Peter.
To those who say let justice prevail, justice has failed in this country for far too long, we are the people, we are justice, we make the laws, we sit on jurys are we not therefore able or intelligent and adult enough to pass sentence on these animals. We vote for the fools in whitehall, so if we are intelligent enough to do that then why not to pass sentence here in this matter.
How much longer do we have to sit and be made fools of whilst justice lets of these people with minimal judgments or plainly just letting them get away with it for fear of gov't or human rights laws defending animals. how much longer are we going to be told waht is in our best interest, whilst being laughed at by idiots in gov't whos only real care is how much they can steal from us and how they can keep their seats in gov't making hollow noises and lining their own pocket.
WE ARE THE PEOPLE. THEY MUST LISTEN TO US, or we remove them. I am tired of being paid lip service by a bunch of bumbling incompetent incoherent idiots in parliament who kiss our backsides for votes then smack us in the mouth afterwards.
Baby Peter must be given REAL justice, not lip service.
To those who say let justice prevail, justice has failed in this country for far too long, we are the people, we are justice, we make the laws, we sit on jurys are we not therefore able or intelligent and adult enough to pass sentence on these animals. We vote for the fools in whitehall, so if we are intelligent enough to do that then why not to pass sentence here in this matter.
How much longer do we have to sit and be made fools of whilst justice lets of these people with minimal judgments or plainly just letting them get away with it for fear of gov't or human rights laws defending animals. how much longer are we going to be told waht is in our best interest, whilst being laughed at by idiots in gov't whos only real care is how much they can steal from us and how they can keep their seats in gov't making hollow noises and lining their own pocket.
WE ARE THE PEOPLE. THEY MUST LISTEN TO US, or we remove them. I am tired of being paid lip service by a bunch of bumbling incompetent incoherent idiots in parliament who kiss our backsides for votes then smack us in the mouth afterwards.
Baby Peter must be given REAL justice, not lip service.
To those who say let justice prevail, justice has failed in this country for far too long, we are the people, we are justice, we make the laws, we sit on jurys are we not therefore able or intelligent and adult enough to pass sentence on these animals. We vote for the fools in whitehall, so if we are intelligent enough to do that then why not to pass sentence here in this matter.
How much longer do we have to sit and be made fools of whilst justice lets of these people with minimal judgments or plainly just letting them get away with it for fear of gov't or human rights laws defending animals. how much longer are we going to be told waht is in our best interest, whilst being laughed at by idiots in gov't whos only real care is how much they can steal from us and how they can keep their seats in gov't making hollow noises and lining their own pocket.
WE ARE THE PEOPLE. THEY MUST LISTEN TO US, or we remove them. I am tired of being paid lip service by a bunch of bumbling incompetent incoherent idiots in parliament who kiss our backsides for votes then smack us in the mouth afterwards.
Baby Peter must be given REAL justice, not lip service.
To those who say let justice prevail, justice has failed in this country for far too long, we are the people, we are justice, we make the laws, we sit on jurys are we not therefore able or intelligent and adult enough to pass sentence on these animals. We vote for the fools in whitehall, so if we are intelligent enough to do that then why not to pass sentence here in this matter.
How much longer do we have to sit and be made fools of whilst justice lets of these people with minimal judgments or plainly just letting them get away with it for fear of gov't or human rights laws defending animals. how much longer are we going to be told waht is in our best interest, whilst being laughed at by idiots in gov't whos only real care is how much they can steal from us and how they can keep their seats in gov't making hollow noises and lining their own pocket.
WE ARE THE PEOPLE. THEY MUST LISTEN TO US, or we remove them. I am tired of being paid lip service by a bunch of bumbling incompetent incoherent idiots in parliament who kiss our backsides for votes then smack us in the mouth afterwards.
Baby Peter must be given REAL justice, not lip service.
I will wait for the day these three fucks get out of prison! Then I will wait on some roof top with a sniper gun.
hi im ben mitchell from washington in the uk tyne and wear i have a 8 and a half month old baby boy who i adore id have been more than happy to have brought home peter to be part of my family the laws in britain stink like some one else mentioned they protect the human rights of the people who least deserve it they should be slowly tortured in the most horrific way then killed by stoning via public humilliation kick gordon brown out while were on aswell hes bent worst ever prime minister who has not got a clue what to do he has shafted this country all we can do is hope this never happens again but the sad thing is there are too many evil people out there who are being protected by the sad sick laws we have today in britain they need changed and they need changed now a massiv ecivil war isnt too far away brown stop diddling and playing with your dogs balls get something done
jason owen steven barker and tracey connolly are the evil people responsible for this terrible act of savagery abusing torturing and killing of a tot no older than my own child is unthinkable they should be burned alive their teeth ripped out fingers bitten off and finally hung drawn and quartered if you even threatened the queen of england you would be killed on the spot why is it different for any one else the royals arent special not in a country ran by idiotic chambers filled with idiotic people if she gets that level of protection we all should i hate our justice system and if any one wants to say other wise if any one thinks that our justice system is truthfully fair then please join me for a debate by adding me ptbbkkk@hotmail.com
that is so sad poor baby im in tears, R. I. P.
atleast your in a better place & no lonqer in pain.
& for the sick people that inflicted these horrific injuries burn in hell, & more than anythinq suffer.
well done 4 printin picture of the evil scumslag who dnt deserve 2 b called human let alone mother lets ope the prison shes in gets the pix so evry 1 no,s her rip little one
If they were living in my country, i can guarantee that these evil ppl will be VERY severely dealt with!!!
I was sad and angry about Baby P, then someone showed me this
But then I remembered that I didn't live in any of the countries where all the other kids were dying needlessly, and most of them have brown skin, so I quickly went back to caring about Baby P.
GOD DOESN'T EXIST, it is bullshit that he supposedly sent help 60 times through care workers etc but no one took him away. How deluded people are.
He doesn't exist - if he did, THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED!
'Suffer little children, come to me'
No Child should suffer what Baby Peter did, it's just horrific & sickenening.
Tracey Conelly, Stephen Barker & his brother Jason Barker/Owen need to be tortured to death, & even that would be too good for them.
This has just broken my heart :(
GOD DOESN'T EXIST, it is bullshit that he supposedly sent help 60 times through care workers etc but no one took him away. How deluded people are.
He doesn't exist - if he did, THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED!
'Suffer little children, come to me'
No Child should suffer what Baby Peter did, it's just horrific & sickenening.
Tracey Conelly, Stephen Barker & his brother Jason Barker/Owen need to be tortured to death, & even that would be too good for them.
This has just broken my heart :(
GOD DOESN'T EXIST, it is bullshit that he supposedly sent help 60 times through care workers etc but no one took him away. How deluded people are.
He doesn't exist - if he did, THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ALLOWED!
'Suffer little children, come to me'
No Child should suffer what Baby Peter did, it's just horrific & sickenening.
Tracey Conelly, Stephen Barker & his brother Jason Barker/Owen need to be tortured to death, & even that would be too good for them.
This has just broken my heart :(
mickey manota.
they should all be killed more little boy ive got a son who is not far of peters age and it makes me sick 2 the stomach. sum1 robs a house and get caught they get locked up min 5years, kidy killers hardly get that british justice is shit cant work it out!! r.i.p baby p.
I have heard many stories before but this one has truly affected me, to know that this poor child couldn't do anything and every day was abuse, it was too young to speak so he couldn't tell anyone. i don't know how any one could do this to a poor child and how the social services missed the 50+ injuries! RIP BABY P
There are further court cases about this. By naming the individual you're making it more likely these people get off without a fair trial.
You should be ashamed of yourself for helping the offenders!!
Why would your country allow these scumbags to have new identities? I live in the US and have never ever heard of anything like this. I just hope once they are out, they are found out and tortured. baby P is safe in Jesus's arms now.
They should be hung drawn and quartered! There not worth living, there sick in there head & they need help - TO BE DEAD! BabyPeter didn't deserve to die ecspecially not from his own Mum her bit ont side AND her bloody monster of a lodger! My stomach turns when people mention there names.
There pure EVIL what possessed them? Id watch them burn on a fire if they allowed it! Burh ohhh noooo! yeeh just lock um up in a prison cell & release um after two years!? The goverment should put their foot down and have them shot! I wouldn't wish anyone dead but them.. YESS!
Least the little soldiers safe now up there.
A gorgeous child, who wouldn't harm anyone
we're all thinking of you sweetheart & we all love you
restinparadise babyy
Baby Ps mother is such a evil B**** and should get life for what she has done. I read on a page that she said "she is a damn good mum " Wtf is she on ? no decent mum would every beat her child and in the end killing it. Why the hell did she stay with the boyfriend when he beat the child she supposed of loved so much. That poor child did not deserve any of what he got. He had his whole life a head of him and its was cruelly taken away by the people who were suppose to protect him and care for him .
At least the little darling is safe now and away from the people who hurt him
Rest in peace
As was mentioned before, it was not God that allowed this but the free will of man. That is our downfall.
It was an absolutely horrible thing that happened, yes, but perhaps God can use it in a good way; it has brought awareness to the issue of how severe child abuse can be!
Baby P has opened our eyes and our hearts to see the reality of how cruel humanity can be. An absolute public outcry! Things are now being reformed, people are more aware and slack is being tightened all because of him.
Think of how many other little ones can now be helped because of this. Good things will always come from evil, you just have to look at the wider picture.
Sleep well Baby P. We love you! God always is and always has been with you.
Its true. I think nothing has ever affected me like this case has. The reason it distrubed me so much was maybe because I could envisaged what that little baby must have gone through. I have 2 children myself, the youngest is 2 years old, all a child ever wants is to be loved, and poor peter never had that. He was such a beautiful child, whenever I see his picture, to be honest I can't look at him. I pray that that sick, evil man gets whats coming to him. I pray that he has nightmares for the rest of his sad little life for what he's done. What chance did that poor child have........I also hope that the mother or should I say that sick, fat bitch burns in hell for allowing her child to die in that way.
Bring back the death penalty for scum like this. BTW For those too young to remember, when capital punishment was abolished - against the wishes of the public - , MPs assured the public that a life sentence would be a whole life one.
She should rot in hell. I hope she gets all that is coming to her for what she did. I hope people will not forget what she did when she is released.
i carnt berlive this person took a babys life its discraseful this person should rot in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bastards.. they should be beaten to death just like what they did to Baby P... Ohhh i cant hold the tears in my eyes .. how can people be sooo cruel.... arent you human TC and Baker ...
If you didnt want the child you could atleast send him to some orphanage rather than doing such a cruel thing to him...
How could Baby p bear somuch of pain... my heart is really broken..
ANd i am really against you people given a new identity.. People like you should not be given the right to live any more.. you should be stoned to death in Public ...
How can you be such a inhuman mother TC??? I curse the womb that gave birth to you and the generations that belong to you... you or your generations will never live in peace.. you should suffer and die...
I wonder if they raped him too...
Seeing as he had a tooth up his ass, i guess that could have hurt perhaps.
Babies suck anyway, dunno what you're all moaning about.
Though you have never felt the love that a gorgeous baby such as yourself should have felt please know you are loved now by many who have shed a million tears by your horrific story. You will always be in my heart and live forever in my mind as your story reminds me of the extent of the love and appreciation i have and need to demonstate to my children everyday.
i can't timagine what a monster could ever hurt their baby in such a way. Baby Peter rest in peace eternally and know YOU ARE LOVED!
My heart breaks with this story. I joined a group on Facebook that linked me here. There was a little angel in the States, Kelsey, and she died at the hands of her mother and mother's boyfriend. I have her video on my Facebook. These children need someone to speak out on their behalf's. I have a 17 month old daughter, she is my heart, she has my soul. I would kill anyone who even tried to hurt her. Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn. Rest in peace to all the angels hurt by those who were supposed to protect them, to all the babies hurt by the evil that walk with us. The only thing that helps me is that these babes are with God and that their pain has ended. Hopefully there is a very very special place in Hell for those that hurt the innocent.
Colleen Birt, Canada
i hope them three evil bastards catch a deadly illnes like swine flu and they die from it
death to them evil lowlife cunts
i hope they die
I just feel my heart bleeding when reading about this story. so, so, so difficult to know that this actually happens. They could have EASILY given this baby to a loving home. But it just sickens me to know that they actually enjoyed torturing this helpless innocent victim. how sad when you're being hurt and look to mommy for mercy and she has none. I could just cry and cry and cry over this horrible story- what a sweetie. he deserves a life of blissful eternity with our savior Jesus Christ!
Who in the HELL wrote that horrific post about lol and that baby being raped with a tooth up his ass- i have so much RAGE for you- show your ugly ass EVIL face & your name- what r u scared? how evil- WARNING HELL IS Very VERY HOT!!!- may you never experience the grace and love of a beautiful child!!
If I ever find out that something like this is taking place near me, I will be taking justice into my own hands. Death would be to easy for these people, they would need to be tortured everyday for the rest of their worthless lives in a dark, damp, and infected place where no one person would ever go to look for them. May their minds be tortured and their souls burned for eternity.
I am sicken over this case, I can't believe no on helped this poor beautiful little boy, I hope they all rot in hell. If the government gives them new identities they should all be kicked out of office. This little boy was under protective watch and they didn't protect him. I know social workers try to do a good job but they failed this little boy and need to find a new job.
This event appalls me. Every time I read something like this, I get more and more sickened by the world and its wickedness. I can't even imagine why anyone would hurt a child, or any innocent human being. Those who were involved (including those stupid social workers) should be severly punished. There was clearly more than enough evidence present when those workers investigated. That mother should be put to death along with her accomplices. A life for a life. I cant explain why God allows such things to happen. Maybe this is sort of a wake up call to people. That there is no justice anymore. That all is corrupt. That we need to be more deligent in our prayers and concerns. Those evil people allowed the devil to intervine into there lives, causing the death of an innocent child. God doesnt want people to suffer, but its the people that have the choice. Yes, that baby was innocent and couldnt choose his fate, but his parent/parents could. And because there was no love or presence of God, he died. Now baby P is safe and happy, in God's arms. All we can do, is pray and hope and maybe even do something to bring justice to his death. It saddens me that this world is so corrupt. But its our own (the human race in general) fault for giving into those evil intensions. May God take His mighty wrath out on those people, and may justice be brought to this case, and many cases (God frobid it) that are to come.
perhaps proof that God dosen't exist - how could he allow such crulety after all?
I'm FURIOUS at seeing this, and I damn upon the people who killed the beautiful, young Baby Peter, to rot in hell for the rest of eternity. They took an innocent life and it angers almost the whole world. These monsters do not deserve a life anymore. If I worked in the police/court or any other high law, I would sentence the killers to death.
I'd like to see all three hung, drawn and quartered in the middle of the city. It's a joke sending demonic sadists like this to prison. Bring back the death penalty.
Sick, sadistic, monsters have no place in society or prisons. They should be hung, drawn and quartered in the city where everyone can spit on them and beat them until they die. Bring back the death penalty and stop them repeating their heinous abuse to others.
Monsters like this have no place in society or prisons but should be subjected to the same torture they inflicted. Bring back the death penalty for child killers, prove your society is at least partly civilised.
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