The Benefits of Oregano
Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.
Hand of Hope: Samuel Alexander Armas
A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the paper, you probably will never see it.
Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom, Shows NO Remorse
I have never been affected by any story as much as Baby P's story has affected me. Yesterday evening, I found myself sobbing twice! I just can't get over the sheer horror of the story.
Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?
In my country, it has never happened before that the media and the people have been forbidden to actually reveal the names and faces of TC and SB, the murderers of Baby P.
That Winter The Wind Blows Finale: Did Oh Soo Die?
Over the holy week break, I spent the entire four days just watching the 15 episodes of this Korean show. Yes, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. I already have my favorite actors and actresses; albeit, I don’t know their names.
Nov 30, 2008
Nov 29, 2008
The Regular Caller
We don't have electricity 3 days or more every week. It sucks big time because I am forced to work at night and suffer the heat while sleeping in the morning. Fortunately, the air conditioner has been fixed so I can turn the thing on full blast at night, so the room will stay cool for several hours during the day.
Apparently, they are changing the Diversion Road's electric poles. If you are not from here, trust me, it's a really long road. I figured they'd be finished by the turn of the century. Meanwhile, I'd be gritting my teeth 'til Kingdom come.
Anyway, since the regular power interruptions started, I became a regular caller of the electric company here. I call whenever I want. Yes, even at 3 o'clock in the morning! I figured if I can't sleep during the day because of the power outage, then they don't deserve to sleep at night -- or at least, have their sleep interrupted by a shrieking telephone.
I call them like three times a day or more -- actually, more. I even get Erbe to call them up just to ask, "What time will the electricity be back?" even though I know it's usually scheduled to be back by 5 pm.
I call so often that I am the household electricity reporter.
"Nana Viol, there is no electricity tomorrow, so you should wash your clothes now."
"Ma, there is no electricity tomorrow, so you should get Cho Melchor to finish what ever he is welding today."
Poor Cho Melchor who was ill was forced to work.
I didn't realize I was calling so often though -- which, I know, is absurd considering how many times I call them everyday -- until now when I called and heard someone said, "Si babaeng taga-Mabolo na naman yan.*" ☺
*(It's that woman from Mabolo again)
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If You Seek Amy - Is It about Amy Winehouse?
This is Britney Spear's If You Seek Amy. You would think that she's singing about Amy Winehouse. Well, she's not. The line is actually clever.
If you would listen to the song, you'd hear this line --
"But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy"
You'd probably say, "Huh?"
Well, it's actually if(f) you(u) see(c) ka(k) my(me)
Well, I'll be damned. ☺
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Nov 27, 2008
Right now, what life has to offer for me is being with Paige.
People can easily say that sacrifices have to be made because I have responsibilities -- "Grab the opportunity! Sacrifice!"
Well, that's easy for them to say because they're not going to leave their daughter behind for god knows how long!
I don't really dream of great wealth. I just want to have enough. Sadly, enough is a relative word. What may be enough for me is pathetically lacking to some. I guess, I just have to make a choice.
UPDATE: I am not going anywhere.
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Nov 25, 2008
Nov 24, 2008

If you loved A Walk to Remember, you should definitely watch Keith.
You'd definitely like it. I loved Jesse McCartney's character, Keith. He is dark and just the boy who would twist your insides. I love the story and how they built it. I guess, the only thing I didn't like about it is its abrupt ending. But it is still definitely worth the watch.
Tiger Beat teen idol Jesse McCartney takes the title role in writer/director Todd Kessler's drama about a second-semester high-school senior named Natalie (Elisabeth Harnois), who believes she has life figured out until happening upon Keith, a troubled and unpredictable youth who begins to alter her perspective in ways she never thought possible. Keith is based on author Ron Carlson's short story of the same name. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
If you have a fast Internet connection, click here. Enjoy!
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Nov 23, 2008
Thoughts at 3:21 AM
Thoughts --
1. Why did Jinx delete her Friendster blog entries?
2. I wonder if Tinay and Bespren Lon are texting?
Guess not. Too bad, they could have been perfect for each other. Why? Because Tinay loves deeply and that's what Marlon needs. And because Marlon loves deeply and that's what Tinay needs. Also, it doesn't hurt that he's a fairly decent guy. Someone I know who'll never hurt her.
3. I wonder how's Sam?
I haven't talked to him for sometime now. I hope he's okay.
Listening to --
Taylor Swift's Fearless album.
I know it's a bit cheezy -- okay, sooo cheezy -- but I love every song.
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Nov 22, 2008
Should I Delete Their Names and Pictures?
Apparently one or more of the three are accused of additional crimes which they are yet to stand trial for (presumably Jason Owen is not since there is no court order restricting publishing of his name). Note that the court order also prohibits any mention of Baby P's potential siblings, and also prohibits mention of the reason why their names are being withheld.Do you agree?
If you really want justice to be served, delete all mention of their names until all proceedings are finished. Otherwise, they can argue that a fair trial isn't possible and have the charges dropped.
Let's allow them to get the maximum jail sentences they can -- then you can publish their names and photos.
Related Stories:
Tracey Connelley, Baby P’s Evil Mom, Shows No Remorse
Baby P’ Stepfather – Evil Sadistic Monster
Baby P’s Murderers – Why Are They Being Protected?
Baby P’s Mother Gets 5 Years? WTF?
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Baby P's Mother Gets 5 Years Imprisonment? WTF?

People do not understand why I am so "obsessed" with Baby P's story. So far, all I've been writing here is his story. At least, I have stopped crying now every time I come across his picture. To be honest, I don't think many people know of this little boy's story. Elizabeth Fritzi's was covered in our local news, but Baby P's story was not.
Anyway, have you read this article from Daily Mail? Apparently, the English public will have to pay millions of pounds to help Baby P's mother get a new identity once she is out of prison. Her lawyers have to prove that her life is in danger -- and well, this is not hard to prove considering how everyone is calling out for her blood.
Apparently, she'd likely get 5 years at most in prison.
Similar orders have been granted for other notorious convicts - including the Soham murderer's girlfriend Maxine Carr, child killer Mary Bell and the boys who murdered toddler James Bulger.
The mother, who has given birth again while in jail, faces a maximum of 14 years when she is sentenced next month for allowing the death of a child. But as she has already spent time in prison on remand, she could be free in as little as five years.I am not English, but I think this is the ULTIMATE insult. Honest taxpayers have to pay millions of pounds in order to protect someone against -- well, the public. And 5 years?! Seriously! 5 Years! That's all she gets for killing her child. Okay, let's not get into a rhetorical discussion about the crime she was actually convicted with because no matter where you look at it -- she killed her child. That's that. And you know what's even more ironic? She has not even shown any remorse. The Daily Mail reports that --
Legal rules mean that the 16 months Baby P's mother has spent on remand will reduce the time she has to spend in jail by 32 months, and she will receive a reduced sentence for pleading guilty to allowing her son's death.
Today Baby P's mother is being kept in a segregation unit at Holloway jail for her own safety. She has astonished prison officers by laughing and joking with them. According to one, she has shown 'no sign of contrition whatsoever'.WTF?
Related Stories:
Tracey Connelley, Baby P’s Evil Mom, Shows No Remorse
Baby P’ Stepfather – Evil Sadistic Monster
Baby P’s Murderers – Why Are They Being Protected?
Should I Delete Their Names and Pictures?
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Nov 21, 2008
Perezzies 2008 -- My Votes!
Hottest Hookup | Biggest Breakup |
Chris Brown and Riha... | Madonna and Guy Ritc... |
Favorite Jonas | Breakout Star of the Year |
Nick | Taylor Swift |
Baddest Bad Girl | Biggest Scandal |
Sienna Miller | Sluttyiena Miller's ... |
Best Dressed | Worst Dressed |
Anne Hathaway | Amy Winehouse |
Hottest Hottie | Cutest Celebuspawn |
Chace Crawford | Suri Cruise |
Most Improved | Worst Trainwreck |
Britney Spears | Amy Winehouse |
Most DVR-worthy Series | Biggest Box Office Blowout |
Gossip Girl | Twilight |
Celeb of the Year | |
Barack Obama |
Go to to vote!
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Nov 20, 2008
Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?
They say that the reason behind this is to give these people the chance to live a normal life once they are out of prison. The government is also protecting these people from vigilantes -- like me -- who want to chop their heads off and feed them to a hungry pack of wolves. Bloodthirsty, huh?
Anyway, I understand that the government has to recognize that these people have rights as well. And the court has to take these rights into consideration. I understand this. I know how the due process work and I know all the rights of an accused -- well, in our country's setting of course. But no matter how much I tell myself that they have rights, I always end up saying, "Rights, my ass!" They are not human. They should go to Pluto and perhaps borrow some rights there. They should have no rights. In fact, if there were capital punishment, these people are practically DEAD MEN walking. Ironically though, they were not even convicted of a capital crime, which is really amazing. I'd even go far to actually suggest that the UK government should also review their laws on these kinds of cases.
Anyway, I was thinking -- do these people deserve a normal life?
Do they deserve to be forgiven for what they did to that innocent beautiful boy? Do they deserve to have a second chance? Do you think that it is possible that they'd change? Is it possible that a stint in the prison would change Steven Barker's tendencies to torture babies? It is possible that Tracey Connelley could still be a better mother? Does she have the right to her children? What kind of life do you think they deserve?
On the other hand, do people really have the right to know what they look like? Do people have the right to know their names?
This is the latest picture of Baby P that was posted by Daily Mail. This picture was taken when Baby P was 11 months. Six months later, he was dead.
After seeing the picture and the traces of pain inflicted on this little angel, I started bawling again.
Look at that mark near his eye. I keep thinking that he was so small. He couldn't fight back. I know because my daughter is 17 months old and she has little arms and little body. She can get hurt so easily if we are not careful.
A mother is supposed to protect her child fiercely from any harm. I can't imagine how she was able to bear with his cries. I want to say that TC deserves a second chance, but in my heart, I can't say that. She doesn't have a heart and you can't be a mother or a human being if you don't have a heart.
Now, what about SB? Well, I just want him to suffer the way he made Baby P suffer -- I want him to suffer more. I know that's not a very Christian thing to say, but that guy is pure evil.
Related Stories:
Tracey Connelley, Baby P’s Evil Mom, Shows No Remorse
Baby P’ Stepfather – Evil Sadistic Monster
Should I Delete Their Names and Pictures?
Baby P’s Mother Gets 5 Years? WTF?
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Nov 19, 2008
A Heroes Addict

Have you seen the last episode of Heroes?
Damn! Talk about amazing. No Denny crap in this series.
Although, I still don't know how the tides will turn next week, but the ending of this episode is really great. Angela Petrelli is awake. The two groups -- the good and the bad -- have been formed. I am still confused about Sylar's character though. Is he bad or good? But this makes it more exciting.
Have you noticed that the show runs for 42 minutes but by the time you are finished with the episode, you feel like it ran for 2 hours? A lot of things happen in one episode and I mean a lot of things!
If you haven't seen Heroes yet, you should definitely check it out. You are missing on a really, really great show.
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Nia Glassie -- When Will the Hurting Stop?

Daily Mail reports -
As Britain reels from the shocking abuse of Baby P, on the other side of the world New Zealanders have been sickened by the murder of a three-year-old girl who was put in a dryer and hung from a clothes line.
Two men were found guilty on Tuesday of murdering little Nia Glassie and her mother was found guilty of manslaughter, with other defendants being found guilty of lesser crimes.
The month-long trial had heard how the child had been put in a clothes dryer, which was then turned on, while adults stood around laughing.
There were other times when the tiny Maori girl was tied to a clothes line and spun around while on other occasions she was subjected to painful wrestling moves that were carried out on her.
But the final fatal blow was a brutal kick to the head, which led to her dying in hospital.
Even then, she had not been taken immediately to hospital - she lapsed into a coma 36 hours after the blow which resulted in medical attention finally being sought.
A doctor told the court that if Nia had been taken to hospital immediately she likely would have survived.
Referring to the tumble dryer incident, he said Nia was forced into it before the door was shut and the appliance turned on while people stood around laughing.
She had also been hoisted onto a clothes line and spun around.
Two brothers, Michael and Wiremu Curtis, were convicted of murdering Nia while the girl's mother 35-year-old mother Lisa Kuka was found guilty of failing to seek medical attention for the child and failing to protect her from violence.Has justice been served?The toddler's cousin, Michael Pearson, 20, and Michael Curtis's partner, Oriwa Kemp, 18, were found guilty of child cruelty, but were not convicted on the manslaughter charges they faced in the complex case.
At least the government did not hide the names of these sick bastards.
When will this end?
Related Stories:
Latest Pictures of Baby Peter
Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom Shows No Remorse
Baby P
Baby P's Stepfather Picture
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Baby P - An Angel's Final Resting Place
Anyway, Baby P's ashes were scattered in a quiet corner of this London cemetery at the foot of an oak tree. Numerous people have paid their last respects.
He should have had all the toys he needed when he was alive. It's tragic that for the 17 months that he was alive, he was a toy to a heartless evil sick bastard.
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Nov 18, 2008
No to Abortion!
When I was pregnant with Paige, I couldn't wait for her movements. I was frustrated when I couldn't feel the "bubbles" or the "butterfly movements" in my stomach. One of the best moments though was when I finally felt her kicking and moving. It was wonderful. Well, at first, it was. Later on, it hurt especially during the last trimester. She'd wake me up with a strong kick at night or she'd poke at me with her hands. I could actually see a bump at the surface of my stomach. It was amazing, but weird. Often, it was painful.
Anyway, I applaud those who choose to keep their babies. Abortion is never an answer. It's murder -- plain and simple.
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Baby P's Stepfather -- Evil Sadistic Monster

Indeed, Baby P's stepfather was a sadistic bastard. The monster has a history of animal abuse. Friends say that even as a child, he liked to skin off frog's legs just for fun. He has been in trouble with animal rights groups for his cruelty to animals. He is believed to have tortured his own grandmother to change his will. He treated little Peter as his own rag doll. This guy is not sick in the head. He is just evil. He is in perfect company with Monster Fritzi.

Rumor has it that one of them is being held in Belmarsh Prison. I don't know which one though. Apparently, Jason Owen has received numerous death threats. All of them will be kept in solitary confinement in order to protect them from vigilantes who want to do them in. I bet even the guards would like to do them in.
Heck! I would! It'd certainly be worth it. Okay, I know I am a Christian and I am supposed to forgive. I am a law graduate and I am supposed to observe due process. But hell! It'd definitely feel damn good to strangle those worthless pieces of feces.
Related Stories:
Tracey Connelley, Baby P’s Evil Mom, Shows No Remorse
Baby P’s Murderers – Why Are They Being Protected?
Should I Delete Their Names and Pictures?
Baby P’s Mother Gets 5 Years? WTF?
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Baby P = A Beautiful Angel

I've been crying every time I'd remember Baby P's torture but recently I found myself crying over something that the 15-year-old girl said in her testimony.
It's that part where she said that despite this angel's broken spine and despite losing a nail, he smiled weakly when the stupid social worker greeted him with a nonchalant, "Hey, little fella!" the last time the woman saw him. That was the last time anyone outside that house saw him alive.
Despite the horrors he was going through, Peter was still like any other baby who would smile at kind strangers -- just like my daughter.
It's so heartbreaking.
His body may have been broken, but his spirit was still intact.
I think I will always weep for this little boy who never felt the love that a baby should have from his mother.
I am so angry.
I have found myself crying over Peter for the last three days. I am actually grieving for this beautiful boy.
I am angry that everyone who was responsible for his welfare is still working and possibly placing more babies at risk.
I am angry that the monsters who made him suffer live and will likely get a few years at most for their unforgivable crime because after all they were not found guilty of MURDER when that should have been their crime.
I have been praying for Peter; and although I know he is happy now, I can't help but feel bad that for the last 8 months he was being tortured, no one was there to help him at all. It's like EVERYONE failed him.
I asked what was the purpose of Peter's death? A comment opened my eyes to the answer. I guess, God finally indeed took him because nobody else was helping him. No one.
Related Stories:
Baby P
Baby P - An Angel's Final Resting Place
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